During my pregnancy with Nicholas, I developed some health issues. About a year before I had him I had an enlarged spleen and some wacky bloodtests where my platelet counts were becoming dangerously low. I was diagnosed with something called ITP which is an auto immune disorder. There was talk of removing my spleen but then I became pregnant with Nicholas and that was not an option. Anyway, my platelet counts had to be monitored closely as they could not get too low or it would have been dangerous for Nicholas and I. I also had to restrict my activities and do a little something called resting which I am not very good at. I decided to go to a different Hematologist and after more blood tests was also diagnosed with Chronic Epstein Barr. I have to say that everyone really pitched in to help me out especially during the last weeks of my pregnancy. My husband and father really worked extra hard in the house and with the kids so that I could get the extra rest I needed. Not to mention the many doctor appointments and tests I needed to go for which they either took me to or took care of the kids. Dylan's nurses were a huge help also. I don't know what I would have done without my family, the nurses, and friends helping us during the last few weeks of my pregnancy with Nicholas.
We brought Nicholas home from the hospital on Friday, October 26, 2012. Three days later we had the worst storm I had ever experienced, Hurricane Sandy. We were fortunate that we had minimal damage to our home but we did lose power and heat which is a huge problem when you have a child who depends on electricity to live, a newborn, and a person recovering from just giving birth who has a bleeding problem. Once again everyone pitched in and all of Dylan's nurses were beyond amazing. They all came in and worked even though they too had no power and heat. We were blessed that Roe and Frank did not lose power and had us stay with them for a few days. It was just what the dr ordered. Roe helped me get back on the road to recovery by forcing me to rest. Heather was in her glory getting to spend time with Jackie. Dylan was happy to have all of us together. Nicholas was just spoiled rotten by everyone. I still feel bad for my friends who are not yet back in their homes or who have had to find a new place to live.
I have to admit that I have really felt the pain of my Mother's death in Nicholas's birth. It is very hard for me to not see her hold him and love him. I know she really would have enjoyed this little blessing we now have in our lives. My Dad has been doing a great job of helping us. He even gave Nicholas a bottle which I don't even think he ever did for me. I know my Mom is in heaven laughing her ass off.
I am attaching some pictures from the wonderful baby shower my sister in law, Lisa had for me. It was so much fun and I truly appreciated all of the wonderful gifts for Nicholas.
I look at Nicholas and feel so blessed to have these three wonderful children in my life. Dylan and Heather are doing a wonderful job as Big Brother and Big Sister. I am so proud of them and how they love their little brother. Now onto the Adventures of Dylan, Heather, and Nicholas...as Heather says, we need to plan big things. Next stop, Disney (to be continued.....)
photo by Elizabeth Kristin Photography |